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About Cornerstone

Navigating Life's Unexpected Turns with Hope and Healing

Everyone deserves a safe and supportive environment to navigate life's challenges. Our mission is to provide individuals, couples, and families with the relational expertise and guidance they need to overcome obstacles and achieve holistic well-being.

Flower Shadow

Meet Our Team

What We Believe

At Cornerstone, we're more than just professionals. We're passionate about offering hope and healing to everyone who walks through our doors. We believe in unconditional love and acceptance, regardless of life's struggles. We address the root of your concerns, including lifestyle, thoughts, and behaviors, to empower you on your journey towards health and wholeness.

We believe in your intrinsic value and worth. You are created in God's image, and Jesus gave you worth through his sacrifice. Every interaction with our staff reflects this Christ-centered mindset. We strive to love sacrificially, live authentically, and speak truth and value into your life.

At Cornerstone, you'll find:

  • Unconditional love and acceptance: We believe in you and your potential for healing.

  • Personalized care: We address your unique needs and concerns with compassion and expertise.

  • Christ-centered approach: We integrate our faith into our practice to provide holistic support.

  • Empowering guidance: We equip you with the tools and resources you need to thrive.

Ready to start your journey to healing? Contact us today to schedule an appointment and experience the hope and transformation that awaits you at Cornerstone.

Truths About Our Relationship With God 

  • God is always present in our lives, whether we see Him or not.

  • Coming to recognize and experience God’s presence is learned behavior. We can develop it.

  • Our mission is to meet God in this moment.

  • We are always tempted to live “outside” this moment, but when we do that, we lose our sense of God’s presence.

  • Sometimes God seems far away for reasons we do not understand. Those moments are also opportunities to learn.

  • Whenever we fail, we can always start again right away.

  • No one knows the full extent to which a person can experience God.

  • Our desire for God fades and grows, but His desire for us is constant.

  • Every thought has a “spiritual charge” that either moves us a little closer or a litter farther from God.

  • God is genuinely very interested in every aspect of our life, work, relationships, hobbies, and so on.

  • Our path to experiencing God’s presence will not look exactly like anyone else’s.

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